What is Street Cred?

Street Cred is a peer feedback system for gamers' online personas and is comprised of star ratings, commendations, and reprimands. We currently support League of Legends, but more games are coming!

How Does Street Cred Help You?

Looking for Gamer

Use our Looking For Gamer (LFG) feature to find the players you're looking for based on specific commendations. For example, if you're tired of playing with toxic people and you want to find a good group of friendly players, LFG can help you find them. Or if your team or your group needs a strong Jungler, LFG can help you find her.

Fight Toxicity

Join Street Cred in the fight against toxicity in online gaming! Our mission is to make the gaming community a more POSITIVE place! Honor and award positive behavior with commendations. Highlight the great behavior of others and give them Cred where Cred is due. Use Street Cred reprimands to avoid and mute toxic players who are griefing or being abusive.

Sample Commendations

  • Friendly
  • Helpful
  • Skill
  • Great Top/Bot/Mid Laner
  • Great Jungler

Sample Reprimands

  • AFK
  • Griefing
  • Abusive
  • Profanity

What Games Does Street Cred Support?

  • League of Legends

  • Development for Dota 2 is about to start and we're probably going to work on World of Warcraft after that.

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