How P&G engaged Fortnite gamers to promote their partnership with the 2024 Olympic Games

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P&G was looking to expand its exciting partnership with the International Olympic Committee and boost awareness of
the Mr. Clean brand among gamers ahead of
the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.

How could Mr. Clean engage gamers through a virtual experience and generate a positive brand uplift in a memorable way?


We crafted an immersive Fortnite experience, fully branded with
both Mr. Clean and the Olympic Games, alongside
a media campaign running on our platform to reach
our passionate community of Fortnite players.

To take the digital experience to the next level, the map featured a contest with enticing prizes for unlocking custom achievements, bringing the virtual to the physical world in a memorable way.

digital experience to the next level


Close to 100K gamers opted into the challenge, generating over 700K minutes brand engagement by playing the bespoke map for an average of 24 minutes per player.

The custom game delivered a fun way to engage with the Mr. Clean product, which resulted in a significant uplift across all key brand metrics measured in the campaign ad effectiveness survey.

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